Sir Isaac Newton
Sir Isaac Newton ( English : Sir Isaac Newton) (4 January 1643 to 31 March 1727 according to the Gregorian calendar , or 25 December 1642 - 20 March c. Studies. . 1726 by the Julian calendar ), the first physicist , mathematician. Astronomer, philosopher, alchemist And Anglican theologians .
Writing in 1687 about the Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica ( usually called the Principia) is considered one of the most influential books in the history of science . Education is the foundation of classical mechanics . In writing this piece. Newton describes . Universal law of gravity and Newton's laws of motion . As a rule , a pillar of the scientific study of the physical universe through three centuries later, Newton showed that The movement of objects. The earth and the sky are all under the same natural laws . By demonstrating the consistency between the laws of planetary motion , Kepler 's theory of gravity of their own. This helps confirm the heliocentric universe. And enable revolutionary advances in science even more.
Newtonian reflector telescope that can actually be used as a first [ 1] and developed a theory of color based on the observation that Triangular prism to split white light into many colors , which is the origin of the visible light spectrum . He also invented the Newtonian law of cooling . And studied the speed of sound .
Mathematically Newton 's Scott Free and Leibniz have jointly developed the theory of differential and integral calculus . He also demonstrated the binomial theorem . And developing methods of Newton to estimate the square root of the function. Including participation in the power series .
Newton did not believe in religion . He is the Orthodox Christian Orthodox . The interpretation of the Bible and has written to the study of superstition over science and math again. He secretly against the Trinity . And fear of being blamed for the decline of the Shabbat.
Isaac Newton has been regarded by many scholars and members of the Association . As one of the most powerful in the history of mankind.
Writing in 1687 about the Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica ( usually called the Principia) is considered one of the most influential books in the history of science . Education is the foundation of classical mechanics . In writing this piece. Newton describes . Universal law of gravity and Newton's laws of motion . As a rule , a pillar of the scientific study of the physical universe through three centuries later, Newton showed that The movement of objects. The earth and the sky are all under the same natural laws . By demonstrating the consistency between the laws of planetary motion , Kepler 's theory of gravity of their own. This helps confirm the heliocentric universe. And enable revolutionary advances in science even more.
Mathematically Newton 's Scott Free and Leibniz have jointly developed the theory of differential and integral calculus . He also demonstrated the binomial theorem . And developing methods of Newton to estimate the square root of the function. Including participation in the power series .
Newton did not believe in religion . He is the Orthodox Christian Orthodox . The interpretation of the Bible and has written to the study of superstition over science and math again. He secretly against the Trinity . And fear of being blamed for the decline of the Shabbat.
Isaac Newton has been regarded by many scholars and members of the Association . As one of the most powerful in the history of mankind.